Are you looking for a good brothel to work in? Do you have high standards? This means you are looking for a safe, clean and friendly work environment.
So what makes a good brothel?
Firstly, a safe brothel is paramount. Security needs to be tight with surveillance cameras at the front door, secure and discreet parking, panic alarms in each workroom and a safe and discreet sex workers entrance.
A brothel should always allow a sex worker to stop working if they feel unsafe.
Safe Sex Practices
You will want to check that the brothel provides regular health checks by a doctor to all their sex workers. Check that the brothel provides free condoms, lube and finger cots available to protect you.
A brothel needs to have safe sex posters up on the walls, visible to workers and clients who need to be made aware they are required to practice safe sex.
Each room should have enough lighting so sex workers can see the client and any sign of STDs.
When you visit the brothel as a prospective place to work take note of how clean it is. You don't want to work in an establishment that looks cheap and dirty. Stains on the walls and furniture suggest that their clients are not high class.
Hygiene is paramount and should be at a very high standard. COVID safe practices ensure that there is plenty of hand sanitiser and a place to wash hands and face. The brothel should be clean and surfaces wiped down frequently with hospital grade disinfectant. The bed linen needs to be washed in hot water and fresh linen provided after every visitor. Clients need to sanitise hands on entering the premises and after touching money and clothing and refrain from facial touching. There should be showers for workers and clients.
Staff and other sex workers
No one wants to work in a brothel that is unfriendly and competitive. If the receptionist is friendly and you feel comfortable with the management, you are off to a good start. Getting on with the other sex workers is an important part of having a supportive work environment. Sex work is one of those industries where there can be a high turn around of workers. People of all different cultures are attracted to the many perks of working in the industry so it's important to choose a brothel where there is no culture of discrimination.
A good brothel is a clean and safe one that fosters a friendly work environment. Management, staff and workers should all work together to support each other and share professional advice to newcomers.